Partner with us by donating today!
To support MissionConnect immediately through a one-time or recurring online donation via credit card, debit card, or e-check,
Make checks payable to “New Horizons Foundation” and write “MissionConnect” as well as specify your intended fund in the memo or note line, and then mail to the address below.
New Horizons Foundation
ATTN MissionConnect
5550 Tech Center Drive Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
New Horizons Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States.
All donations are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law. 95% of donations are directly invested in MissionConnect projects.
Contributions are solicited with the understanding that MissionConnect has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.
EIN: 84-1123082
Unlike most nonprofits where 20-25% of donations go toward administrative costs, MissionConnect is able to send 95% of donations directly to the field for training leaders. New Horizons receives just 5%. Because of our home services and short-term real estate investments, all of our internal administrative costs are covered, enabling you to accomplish the most gospel ministry impact with your generosity.
Together, we mission better! (Philippians 4:19)
Canes for Blind Children:
We have an exciting opportunity to transform the quality of life of about 65 blind children in Yangon, Myanmar by providing canes for them. Even better, a generous donor has committed to giving a matching grant of $1500. Every dollar given will have double the transformational impact!
The $3000 we are raising includes 65 canes, a specialized training for the children on how to use them effectively, travel expenses, and another leadership training conference for pastors on business-as-mission and sustainability in ministry.
Please specify “Myanmar canes” in the comments section.
We invite you to join us as a donor of 1 (or more) $25 monthly units. These units allow us to meet our international training goals across our four regions on an ongoing basis. 95% of your donations go directly to the field. Please specify “100@25” in the comments section.
International Training Partnerships:
Would you or your church prayerfully consider partnering with us in our upcoming events? As the Lord provides funds, we are planning the following ministry leadership trainings and BAM coordination projects:
- Mexico (Jan 2024) Need: $500.
- Burundi (March 2024) Need: $1650
- Peru (March 2024) Need: $2500
- Zambia (July 2024) Need: $3500
- Myanmar (October 2024) Need: $2500
Please specify “International Trainings” and the preferred country in the comments section.
Become one of the 100…
100@$25 Campaign
From 4 years old to 104, we want to partner with God’s people across the spectrum. From a Sunday school class offering, to the retiree on a limited income, we want to invite a strong contingent of participants with whom we can journey as God leads this mission.
MissionConnect invites you to join us as a donor of 1 (or more ) $25 monthly units. When you give, we are able to run effectively the race to which we have been called. Your donations impel us as we train leaders to become disciple-makers, who in turn, make disciples. Your participation helps us to empower them to grass-roots, gospel-centered service in Jesus name.
Thank you!
Michael Contreras

100@25 Partners
A Personal Thank You
Your interest and participation in MissionConnect Inc. is an eternal movement. We recognize God’s sovereignty in designing this organization and entrust ourselves to His will each day as we endeavor to follow the path He has set before us. It’s people, relationships, and community that matter most here at MissionConnect. Our guarantee is to put people before program and mankind in front of mission – imitating the very premise for life found in Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank you for your faithful commitment to joining us as we seek to inspire and resource future generations of organic, Christ-focused ministry around the globe by way of business enterprise and training.
Mike Contreras
Mike Contreras